Saturday, December 7, 2019
Network Management and Security for STP Limited- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theNetwork Management and Security for STP Limited. Answer: Project Background Network Project Background STP Limited is the kitchen cabinet providers. STP Limited currently has four offices and those offices are situated in Lithgow, Sydney, Bathurst and Wollongong. The enterprise is known to manufacture drawer fronts as well as the cupboards to all the consumers based in Australia. Now they want to scale up their business that is why they have decided to move to the cloud. STP Limiteds business operations can get embellished with the help of stock control system as well as the accounting software (Laudon and Laudon 2016). The organisation has decided that they want to adopt the information system; the information system is bound to provide them with the benefits by which they can serve the customers well. The report has highlighted all the aspects of information technology and along with that the threats and the vulnerabilities involved with the cloud technology and the information technology has been raised. The report also states that the staffs of the enterprise must have the desired technical knowledge to serve the customers and the enterprise as a whole. Project enhancing the future growth of STP Project scope The Project Scope includes the installation of the database and the system in proper manner across the four offices in Australia. The Wi-Fi connectivity helps STP Limited to stay connected all the time to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). The network connectivity has been set up in such a way such that the office employees can connect with each other across the four offices. This can be helpful to know about the stock availability of the company. The employees must be trained in technical knowledge so that they must be capable to solve the queries of the customers online (Xu et al. 2014). They can solve the technical problems of the customers. Thus it can be said the information service can scale up the business of STP. The website can be better managed and the web staffs can get benefits due to the technology advancement and information service management. Project goal The project goal is based on the tools and the management staffs, as well as the employees and the technical staff, must use the tools efficiently for better outcomes, the network equipment that can furnish the business growth has been elaborated in details (Beletskaya et al. 2013). The project goal is to facilitate the customer employees relation or the CRM. Strategic alignment of project The strategic alignment of the project can be made only on the basis of the SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis highlights the threats, strength, opportunities and weakness. The role of system analyst is to determine all the SWOT analysis aspects and in this way, STP Limited can be aware of the potential benefits the information system can bring in to their enterprise (Benner et al. 2014). STP should look upon the weakness and the threats and should try to mitigate those risks and the threats, should look for the opportunities by which they can furnish their business activities. SWOT analysis of STP Limited network project Internal POSITIVE NEGATIVE Strengths Weaknesses Large number of customers Augmented Sales targets Diligent workers Insider Threat Technically unskilled employees Not maintaining rules and procedures External Opportunities Threats The information system gets integrated The employees empowerment The data related to finance gets leaked and the customer information gets leaked. Network Security Securing data The information system can assist STP Limited in gaining the competitive advantage over others, it can also help them to augment their productivity. The internal layers of the information system can act as a fruitful medium with regards to products, people and the people that if established properly can cater the maximum productivity to STP Limited (Bernus, Mertins and Schmidt 2013). People, products, policies and procedures The information system installed in the enterprise has the potential to embellish the core business activities. The rules and regulations if followed in a proper way the business activities can be significantly enriched (Castronova, Goodall and Ercan 2013). The procedures, policies and the proper workforce can change the entire scenario of STP Limited and their profit and market will significantly rise. ISP security and privacy considerations Since STP heavily relies on the Internet, the advanced Internet connection is bound to offer the benefits to conduct the business activities in the more significant way. The Big Pond Network has the potential to defend the negative effect of the cyber threats and STP Limited can choose it for their betterment (Erich, Amrit and Daneva 2014). The ISP can make the payment secure, can make the business operations agile and secure. Mobile device security Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) attacks The employees of STP Limited basically give preference to wireless networking while conducting the business activities. If the network is not secured enough the intruders can take advantage of. They can attack STP Limiteds system and the database and can make the entire system vulnerable to malware attack. There stays the risk of sensitive data of getting stolen (McKeen et al. 2013). BYOD risks The financial risks erupt due to the BYOD risks. The personal sensitive data of the consumers can get compromised. Also, the sensitive financial data of STP Limited can get compromised due to the malicious activities conducted by the attackers and the hackers. The software applications along with the operating system can get disrupted as a result of BYOD risks (Erich, Amrit and Daneva 2014). Thus, BYOD must be installed in an effective manner as they are capable to cater the productivity and the security against the data and security breaches. Plan for hardware purchases Acquisition of new hardware STP Limited has planned to take up new hardware technologies and this new hardware configuration must have the capability to comply with latest software applications and the advanced information system (Tao et al. 2014). The hardware change can definitely ease the information technology system implementation that can provide extra security to the system. End-user feedback and reviews The software applications are getting revolutionised every day with the advent of new innovation from researchers, this software advancement is capable of lessening the scope of malware attack and so there is a lesser chance of security breaches (Motus and Kramees 2014). However, they must comply with the existing hardware resources of the company, and if this occurs the security breaches can happen and the hackers taking advantage of that can gain entry into the vulnerable system (Grabara, Kolcun and Kot 2014). The end user must take into consideration this issue or the fact and must take a decision based on that. Purchasing strategies STP Limited must make proper monetary planning that can facilitate the spending of money on important aspects on future occasions. The enterprise must save and protect money for the future use so that they can collectively take the best decision and best strategy to take the best decision to carry out the business (Fedushko 2014). Via asset register they must serve the suppliers, they must utilise the save money to buy the hardware as per the business requirements. Asset register The asset register clarifies which hardware needs to be altered and the hardware which can significantly enhance the productivity and the security of the enterprise (Wiegers and Beatty 2013). STP Limited must choose the software efficiently as that will benefit the organization in a long way. Office Machine Age Asset effective life Replacement due Wollongong 2 warehouse machines 1 year old 5 years Yes 2 warehouse machines 2 years old 5 years 2.5 years 2 laptops 3 years old 7 years Yes Accounts machine 1 years old 4 years Sydney 4 warehouse and 1 management desktop The new machinery for manufacturing comes with its own system and is all new. 6 months old new 4 years 4 years 4.5 years 3.5 years Bathurst 2 warehouse machines (Desktops with POS software installed) 3 years old 6 years 6 years 1 office machine 6 months old 5 years Lithgow 2 counter machines (Desktops with POS software installed) 5 years old 4 years 4 years 1 office machine 6 months old 5 years 5 years Business continuity STP Limited with the assistance of implementation of the cloud-based applications MTOB, TradeGecko and Salesforce can significantly influence the business operations and huge profit can incur as a result of this (Galliers and Leidner 2014). Data Backup STP has made a wise decision to move to the cloud as that can give them the competitive edge as well as it will help in making an advanced business strategy. STP must choose the cloud server to store files safely and securely. Once the files are stored as backup those files can be accessed from any places, from an electronic device (Brisaboa et al. 2015). Also, in case of physical server they must maintain the database, there are chances of security breaches, if the server is down then they have to stay alert. Physical Security The information security is bound to offer them the necessary benefits with regards to physical safety. They do not have to store data on the physical server. The cloud server will take the responsibility to store data and maintain data (Bano and Zowghi 2013). Therefore, in case of flood, power outages they do not have to worry about the sensitive data of the customers and the financial data of STP Limited. They may minimal effects due to calamities bust the most important thing the data will stay protected in their cloud database. Successful planning For any reasons any employees can remain absent, he or she may suffer from illness (Chakraborty et al. 2015). It may happen the individual is in charge of a specific task of the project and he dies so STP Limited must appoint a successor and STP must prepare him or her for the replacement, so that the appointed individual can be ready to handle the job role at the time of need and can handle the difficult scenario. Stock Control system STP Limited with the aid of information system must develop a website that will show all the available kitchen cabinets ranging from drawer fronts and the cupboards. The cabinets must be displayed in such a way that their colours and the textures can be attractive. Now, once an item gets ordered and shipped the website must be updated and the availability of the stock products must be reflected in that manner accordingly (Chakraborty et al. 2015). Thus all the four offices of STP Limited can be aware of the stock products. Risk management The threats, risks and the vulnerabilities correlated with the cloud computing must be taken into consideration and analysing them in details, STP Limited should take safety measures and precautions to mitigate all these risks and threats (Brisaboa et al. 2015). Security Policy A security model can be beneficial to analyse the risk, threats and the vulnerabilities of the information system that can affect STP Limited and thus a security model can assist to conduct the business operations in a secure and effective manner (Wiegers and Beatty 2013). The change management along with the incident management can provide assistance to install and configure the regulations and the policies within STP Limited. Training and awareness STP Limited must educate their staffs about the significance of information system and the benefits that the information system can bring into the organisation (Galliers and Leidner 2014). All these aspects can assist an employee to take steps against any security breach that occurs within the enterprise. Integration technology Integration of various cloud architecture can enrich productivity of STP Limited. The SaaS model and the PaaS model in collaboration can provide advanced business solutions, PaaS provides more functionality that can be helpful to conduct the business activities over the cloud platform and is popular to serve the SaaS functionality to STP Limited (Xu et al. 2014). Conclusions It can be concluded from the above discourse STP Limited can enhance their business operations with aid of information system, and with the effective implementation of the information system, they can mitigate the security risks incurred within the organization as well. The report has elaborated all the security policies, people and the procedures associated to ensure the safety and security of the enterprise. The solutions to secure the website, as well as the four offices of STP Limited, has been highlighted and defined elaborately. STP Limited if stays aware all the time then business operations can get embellished in a grand way, STP can get maximum profits and can increase their market share and market growth. Recommendations The implementation of procedures and policies in an effective manner can root out the chances of security breaches and can help to conduct business activities in the smooth, effective and secured way. STP Limited must be careful about the money transactions initially as their network is not secured enough, it will take time for all the things to get set up in time, it will take time for the website to get fully developed, thus STP Limited can carry out the operations once the portal access and the rogue delivery tools are implied. The asset register should be carefully looked upon and STP must be clear about the security policies, procedures and techniques. The enterprise must keep back up of all the sensitive data of the customers and financial data of the business in a safe way. The employees of the four offices must be aware of all the information techniques procedures and the security techniques by which they can both serve STP Limited along with the customers of the company well. The stock control system must be enhanced with the latest information system technology, the website should forecast all the latest kitchen cabinets, cupboards and drawers, once any customer purchases any product, the website must update the same and the exact stock availability must get shown all across the four offices. In this way, the employees of the four offices will be aware of all the available resources and in turn, can update the customers. Bibliography Bano, M. and Zowghi, D., 2013, April. User involvement in software development and system success: a systematic literature review. InProceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering(pp. 125-130). ACM. Beletskaya, S.Y., Zolnikov, V.K., Kravets, O.J., Lapshina, M.L. and Podvalny, E.S., 2013. 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